Jakarta – Anggota tim hukum Prabowo Subianto, Teuku Nasrullah, mengklaim bahwa pemerintahan Jokowi gaya otoriter ala Orde Baru. Tim hukum mengutip pengamat asing untuk memperkuat argumennya.
“Gaya otoriter Orde Baru. Lebih jauh, potensi kecurangan pemilu yang dilakukan presiden petahana akan lebih kuat terjadi kalau karakteristik pemerintahan yang dibangunnya adalah pemerintahan yang cenderung otoriter, yang untuk di Indonesia salah satu contohnya adalah di era Orde Baru,”kata Teuku Nasrullah di gedung MK, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jumat (14/06/2019).
Berhubungan dengan pemerintahan yang otoriter dan Orde Baru itu, kata Teuku, melihat gaya memerintah Presiden Joko Widodo, telah memunculkan pendapat bahwa pemerintahannya adalah Neo-Orde Baru, dengan sistem pemerinthaan yang korup ddan represif kepada masyarakat.
“Salah satu yang berpendapat demikian adalah Prof Tim Lindsey, guru besar hukum dan Indonesianis dari Melbourne University Law School. Dalam artikelnya, ‘Jokowi in Indonesia’s ‘new order’, Profesor Tim berpendapat pengaturan sistem politik yang masih buruk, maka pemenang pemilu akan cenderung bertindak koruptif untuk mengembalikan biaya politik yang sangat mahal,” jelas Teuku.
Berikutadalah kutipan lengkap yang dikutip oleh tim Prabowo dari pernyataan Tim Lindsey:
He cannot afford to have too many of these his enemies, and that means three is not much Jokowi can do about Indonesia’s a poorly-regulated political system, which favours the wealthy and drives candidates to illegally recoup the high costs of getting elected once they are in office.
This system has entrenched corruption among the political elite and is a key reason for their predatory approach to public procurement.
All this feeds Indonesia’s continuing poor reputation for transparency, which, in turn, keeps foreign investment away, notwithstanding Jokowi’s constant rhetoric that Indonesia is ‘open for business’. That, combined with persistent low tax revenues and res tape, has seen economic growth stagnate at 5,2 per cent, well below what is needed. The resulting high prices and lack of new jobs feed discontent.
With elections ahead in 2019, Jokowi knows he has to cater to Islamist rabble rousing and keep the oligarchs happy in order to convince the public that the should be re-elected- all will somehow keeping the police, army and Megawati’s concervative nationalist political party (the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle,PDI-P) on side.
In these circumstances, Jokowi probably feels he has litle choice but to dump many of his promises to civil society, which is increasing marninalised in any case. After all, if former general Prabowo Subianto runs again againts him, most of civil society will have little chance but to stick with Jokowi, even if they think he has berrayed them. (Hari-www.harianindo.com)